How Much Money are We Giving Mexico?

The House of Representatives passed a spending bill to the tune of $787 billion dollars. Within that, $410 million was put aside to fund Mexico’s out of control war on drugs. Last year around 8500 people were killed as a result of the drug war. The passage of the bill comes despite Mexico’s human rights violations, and our threats to cut funding if they did not show improvement. Republicans were quick to cry about the wastefulness of the bill, which is fair enough, however it should be noted that it’s a drastic reduction from the $550 billion promised by Bush, which the GOP was all for. Obvious and lame GOP partisanship aside, there’s been a pretty obvious pattern in that region of more money equaling more dead people. If that trend continues, maybe only 7500 people will die this year in the fabricated war. For more information on the breakdown of how the money will be spent, check out this article.

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