Swine flu you’ve heard it on Faux News, that we’re all in imminent danger, and that our lives are as good as forfeit, and it’s all because illegal immigrants have smuggled their dirty disease across the border. Let’s all catch our breaths and take a short, and perhaps even painful for some, trip to reality.
1. Swine flu is not a brand new, never before seen super plague. We’ve dealt with this before, in 1976 it infected 500 people, and killed exactly 1… that’s right 1 citizen. The cold is a more prolific killer than swine flu.
2. The first cases in the U.S. are very well documented. They were brought to the U.S. by Catholic kids, U.S. citizens, who took a vacation to Mexico. There is not proof or suspicion that this is, was, or even ever could conceivably be any type of terrorist attack Michael Savage you ridiculous troll.
3. As with most things, Mexico is bearing the brunt of death and havoc from something brewed in our own back yard.
Specifically Virginia.
Virginia based Smithfield Farms was fined by the EPA to the tune of 12 million dollars in 1985 for dumping pig waste into the Pagan River in Smithfield Virginia and causing an ecological disaster. They were forced to create a sewage plant to deal with waste. Fast forward to NAFTA. A branch of Smithfield Farms moved their operations to Mexico, where they could avoid the EPA, and still freely trade their filth begotten goods to the largest market in the world, with little taxation.
And of course, instead of creating a sewage plant, they’ve simply been dumping the waste in a nearby pond, like a small children who don’t know to wipe their ass after they shit. Near that maggot and fly infested pond is a small Mexican city of 3000 people. This is where the first cases of swine flu came from.
Specifically Virginia.
Virginia based Smithfield Farms was fined by the EPA to the tune of 12 million dollars in 1985 for dumping pig waste into the Pagan River in Smithfield Virginia and causing an ecological disaster. They were forced to create a sewage plant to deal with waste. Fast forward to NAFTA. A branch of Smithfield Farms moved their operations to Mexico, where they could avoid the EPA, and still freely trade their filth begotten goods to the largest market in the world, with little taxation.
And of course, instead of creating a sewage plant, they’ve simply been dumping the waste in a nearby pond, like a small children who don’t know to wipe their ass after they shit. Near that maggot and fly infested pond is a small Mexican city of 3000 people. This is where the first cases of swine flu came from.
And it’s been spreading from there. Thus far 134 Mexicans are dead, and 1 American. A U.S. Company moved there to exploit cheap labor, and to avoid the laws of our land. We allowed them, and Mexico pays the price.
Hopefully for the sake of human life, this hen does not come home to roost, and Mexico gets swine flu under control, and we again avoid any kind of cosmic justice. Lack of oversight you see not only ruins economies, it kills people.
For most of my readers I do not have to point out the parallels between swine flu, the war on drugs, and basically all things concerning Mexico. There is a pattern here.
If I could just clarify a couple of things. 1 this is a completely new virus, new strain never before seen. It combines all forms of the three known viruses, bird, swine, and human. 2- Since a lot of the illegal immigrants who might have crossed to this country sick, would not seek medical attention,there really is no way of knowing how many of them may have brought it here. The cases that were first discovered were of kids with obvious health insurance, and doctors who knew enough to do a culture rather than just say you are sick, go home and rest. This is going to be a huge problem for poor countries, the uninsured here in this country, and the homeless. While dumping pig waste into a pond, is disgusting, there is no evidence that this germ is spread in that mannner. The people would have to drink the water, and still it is a respiratory disorder not a gastrointestinal disorder. Since they have no idea yet how this germ mutated, and got started, anything is of course possible, until they get definitive answers.
It happens to be that in 1918 40 million people where killed from swine flu!!!!!!
Visit www.fauxnewsnetwork.com there is a interesting article about the flu and read the comments!!!!!!!!
... we'll see Melissa, I would put money on this blowing over in a week.
1. every strand of every flu/cold/HIV what have you is a "brand new never before seen strand!" because viruses constantly mutate, and no one gets the same thing twice. You're a nurse, you should know that. The media is using that fact to create headlines, and Faux is using Swine Flu to brew hatred... because that's what Faux does.
2. And as for your point about illegal immigrants bringing it over. Why would they have not infected someone else who had insurance at this point? I'm not saying it isn't possible. But it most certainly is not a "terrorist attack" as that fidget Michael Savage was spewing.
3. The place where they were dumping pig crap was the first place people got sick. Swine flu comes from swines.
At some point somewhere, the flu went from a pig, to a human.
The place where they dumped swine crap was the first place anyone got sick.
I realize connecting the dots isn't for everyone, but when there are only two of them, come on.
But don't take my word for it, check my source. That's why I put up links.
I just posted a reply to your comment on fauxnewsnetwork.com within the next few minutes i will post a link from my article to yours. if you can do the same for me i would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
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