Alcohol Does a Fetus Good? Should Pregnant Women Drink?

Should pregnant women drink? Are you wondering if dinking will harm your baby? Can you abort via alcohol? Well I don’t know about the last one, but here’s the deal:

The rule of thumb in doctor offices the world over had been to tell women to abstain from alcohol completely. Some go so far as say a woman should not drink while trying to get pregnant (ignoring the counter-intuitive nature of that assumption and moving along.) Doctors now are revealing that they’ve been dirty, lying bastards the whole time. They knew a couple drinks once or twice a week was no big deal! In fact, recent studies have shown that the little bastards of mothers who drank in moderation behave better! So why you ask did the doctor say abstain? Well apparently they felt explaining that an occasional drink was okay was just too confusing, and something their umpteen years of schooling simply did not prepare them for. Nope, far easier to just say no and avoid any explanation whatsoever.

One doctor (at least) even says that, because of all of the stress and bodily changes in a woman as that tumorous wretch is growing inside of her, a couple drinks could be somewhat beneficial.

So pregnant women, have a glass of wine or a bottle of beer now and then, it won’t hurt that monstrosity you’re cooking up in your belly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello...It is like anything in life...BALANCE.
A woman that is pregnant should out of respect for her unborn child be very aware of what she puts in her body.
I just read somewhere that a woman was charged for breast feeding her baby while drunk.

Alcohol is not nor will it ever be considered a food of health nor nutrition.

A drink is usually only recommended to relax a other words it is the least of the two evils between stress and what 1 drink can do.

Just remember an unborn child is not strong enough to digest the same as an adult.
Very interesting post.
The photo is hilarious:)
Have a very nice day!