This Just In, Drunk People More Likely to Get Injured. (Banned from

I know what you’re thinking, this can’t be true. But it is, and they funded a study to make sure it was true. The study found that the main factor was not the amount drank, but the drinking pattern. One who drinks regularly is more likely to be injured when they binge drink. Soon they will be conducting a study to find out if the reason is because the person is drunk… Anyway, women are seven times more likely to sustain injury after binge drinking compared to their sober counterpart, and men are six times more likely. No word why alcohol is sexist like that. Over eight thousand people admitted to the hospital for alcohol related injury were interviewed for this ground breaking study. The study also found that when one binge drinks they are more likely to vomit, get dizzy, and have a headache in the morning. I realize this scientific study is a lot to take in, just be happy that there’s a handful of doctors out there who spent four plus years in post-graduate studies, and that states and the national government have the foresight to fund such things.

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