Award Winning Blog You Say? Really? Where Can I Find This Award Winning Blog?

Right here sucka! Crazy Drug News is now the prestigious winner of this :

( *whisper whisper* hey, isn't that just one blogging dude giving another blogging dude an award?)

I hear what you're whispering, and I'll have you know that Chinaren is a master of his craft, a blogger among bloggers, he is the Dhali of the blogging Llammas... as of the exact moment he bestowed this now prestigious award upon me.

So I would like to thank Chinaren, whose site you can see here.

And I would also like to thank all those who got me here:
crack, cocaine, marijauan, shrooms, alcohol, nicotine, LSD, PCP, GHB, DMT, ecstacy, acid, pain killers, upers, downers, fumes, hash, head, and yes, even paint chips old buddy, couldn't have done it without you.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone :)

1 comment:

Chinaren said...

It's a worthy and deserved award Clams!

And we need to give each other awards because, let's face it, no one else is going to!